
A blogger's mind.

I often think of things i want to blog. The little oddities of life that I think others might enjoy reading.
However just as often I forget them.
But I've remembered this.

The playground by my house has a huge fence around it.
Now this sounds normal. Its not just a fence.
Its a big portable fence that the City has placed around the entire playground.
There is no way in. There is no way out.
There is no fun had at this playground.
Its a very big statement against childhood enjoyment of swings, slides and monkeybars.

If I can remember I'll get a picture of it.
And its really just a fence so that they can do construction without anyone getting hurt.
But it seems like an antiplay statement.

Maybe my blogger mind is a little crazy...

1 comment:

lilo said...

antiplay statements make me wanna play anyways. just thought i should share that.