
A blogger's mind.

I often think of things i want to blog. The little oddities of life that I think others might enjoy reading.
However just as often I forget them.
But I've remembered this.

The playground by my house has a huge fence around it.
Now this sounds normal. Its not just a fence.
Its a big portable fence that the City has placed around the entire playground.
There is no way in. There is no way out.
There is no fun had at this playground.
Its a very big statement against childhood enjoyment of swings, slides and monkeybars.

If I can remember I'll get a picture of it.
And its really just a fence so that they can do construction without anyone getting hurt.
But it seems like an antiplay statement.

Maybe my blogger mind is a little crazy...



I am feeling like life sucks. Pretty much.
I have a growing dislike for my job. Thankfully I have an interview for a better job on Monday. My job isn't horrible, I'm just not cut out for sales.
I have sat at home nearly every night for the last 2 weeks. Its brutal. I stronly dislike it.
I have seen friends rarely in the last couple weeks. Like 3 or 4 times. Therefore my world consists of my parents and my dog. Oh the joys.

I am bored. I am lonely. I am fed up. I am directionless. I am in a bad mood.

And I am venting it here.


101 in 1001

I saw this a while ago and thought it was a fab idea. So I'm doing it.

101 in 1001 Days

Inspired by Lindsey. Originally inspired by Triplux.

This is my list. I highly recommend making your own. Its a lot of work but I'm excited to start doing things on it!
BOLD means I've completed it!

Started June 3, 2006
Ends February 28, 2009

Things About the List
Complete a list of 101 things. (June 4 @ 11:30pm)
Look at this list once a week to see what i can do
Come up with another 101 list when this one is done. Even though its actually pretty painful

Languages and Cultural Experiences
Take an ASL (American Sign Language) Class
Take a Swahili class
Go to Kenya/Tanzania
Meet my sponsor child
Write my sponsor child at least once a month
Learn something about every country in the world
Take a conversational spanish class
Get a passport
Eat Indian food and watch a Hindi movie with Dhiraj
Eat at as many different cultural foods as I can. Keep track of these foods
Go to Yellowknife again
Go to at least two of the big festivals in my city
Learn how to say hello in 20 different languages

Go sugar free for a week.
Use the cross trainer every day for a week. Continue.
Do my neck stretches for a week and hopefuly avoid headaches.
Each at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day for a week.
Plan a few hours a week for myself. To get away from everything. To completely relax.
Get up half an hour earlier than i need to and go for a an early morning walk- for one week
Use my Nalgene (2L) every day for a week. And drink the entire thing
Use my free one month pass to the Y before I move
Floss every day for a month
Take dance lessons of some sort
Find a way to play volleyball for fun. And learn how to play it along the way

Getting Involved
Volunteer with the Make a Wish Foundation
Volunteer with Kids Kottage
Join Results Group

Knit a scarf
Scrapbook once a week for at least 2 months
Fill up my “creative writing” journal
Write a poem and share it with others

Read the entire Bible
Read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Get up early and do devotions for one week
Continue to memorize scripture (one verse every two weeks)

Own all of Jack Johnson’s CDs
Read all the books on the Time Top 100 Books. (4/100)
Read all the books on the Teachers Top 100 Books for Children. (28/100)
Read last ten years of Governor General’s Non Fiction Award
Read last ten years of the Pulitzer Prize Non Fiction winners
Go to a country music concert

Random Fun Things
Go on a picnic
Go on a picnic in the middle of winter
Make snow angels in my pjs in the first big snow of the year
Wear a bikini in public
Kiss a Giraffe
Ride the LRT
Suck it up and spend the money to get my hair done at a salon
Take pictures in a photobooth
Learn to rollerblade (Standing up straight rather than hunching over and not falling down)
Lay under the stars talking
Spend all night outside by a fire
Have pina coladas in swimsuit and shorts and leis and sunglasses in the middle of winter
Ride in a limo- be sober enough to stay on the seat... unlike grad 12 grad
Get my entire head done in cornrows
Watch two movies in a row at the cheap theatre
Go to a midnight movie
Go skating outside late at night- in skates that fit!!!!!
Buy a pink cowboy hat. Wear it in public
Learn a line dance besides cadillac ranch. And that Jewish one I randomly know
Get a massage
Play a game of Risk from start to finish
Get a bathrobe
Go up a down escalator
Squeeze a whole tub of toothpaste somewhere...just not on a toothbrush
Float down the Pembina River again
Dance in the rain
Sit on that bench at the top of that hill and watch the sun set
Walk in the river valley with Meagan

Cleaning, Organizing and Such
Clean my car out really well. This includes vaccuuming and washing and everything
Never let food go rotten in my car again
Roll all the change I’ve collected and put into savings account
Have an organized room
Go at least two months without library fines.

Relationships and other such things
Visit my high school
Learn how to face things head on. Don’t avoid the awkward situations
Make an effort to contact people from CMC once a month
Remember everyone’s birthday for one year
Take a road trip with friends
Go camping with friends
Buy flowers for someone for no reason
Send letters to Erin while she is at camp this summer (2006)
Get together with at least 3 friends from high school
Find friends who enjoy playing board games/party game and play them. Regularly
Find a fountain worthy boy. (I know this doesn’t make sense. It does to me and possibly Lena, as long as she remembers)
Speak my mind at least once about a certain friendship. To the person’s face. But do this without being emotional
Speak my mind about another “relationship” thing. Basically just say “you were a jerk. I hope you know that. But you are also a cool guy. And i was a stupid girl. And I don’t hold it against you. Just know that you were a total wimp and chicken. ”

School/Career Related
Have 5 articles published
Do one semester of school without working at the same time
Write a children’s picture book and pursue getting it published
Increases my typing speed to 70 words per minute (without excessive use of the backspace button!)

Personal Betterment
Go cliff jumping. Not a high cliff. Just a cliff of some height
Do something that scares me
Drink tea, until I like it
Go one week without spending money on anything extra
Learn how to check and change my oil
Learn to drive a standard
Inspired by reading many British 101 in 1001 lists: Learn some cool British slang to through into my everyday Canadian conversations- thereby baffling people. ps also learn what chutney is

I have a whole new blog for this! Check it out every once in a while if you're bored.



I can't say I'm overly fond of four months of summer.
It seems way too long.
Although one month has gone by too fast already.

I feel detached from life. Like it could just go on and leave me behind.
And I probably wouldn't notice.

ps. Breakfast was mucho fun. good idea erin.